
9 2023

Movie Screening of “The Yidishe Gauchos”

8:00PM - 9:00PM  

Soledad Mountain
San Diego, CA 92037

Contact Jana Meisarosh

The Yidishe Gauchos is a film about Jews escaping Eastern Europe and immigrating to the pampas of Argentina. When they fled to Argentina in the 19th century, many were able to become ranchers and farmers with the help of the Jewish Colonization Association. The term “Jewish Gaucho” became popular, referring to Jewish people who took on a life of agriculture and was historically associated with Argentine cowboys. The beautiful film is narrated by Eli Wallach. This event is an opportunity to not only watch the film but speak with the director to gain a greater understanding. We also have Alejandro Meter, a professor at UC San Diego, joining us to represent the Argentinian Jews of San Diego. The Joys of Yiddish states, “The Yidishe Gauchos is an absolute original... A rare and unexpected glimpse of an unfamiliar world.” (Leo Rosten). Mark Freeman is the producer, director, cinematographer, and editor of “The Yidishe Gauchos.” He is an accomplished documentary filmmaker and producer of other short films including “Mad River: Hard Times in Humboldt County,” “Down to Earth,” “Families and Flowers,” and “Lines in the Sand.” Freeman strives to bring his global insights and worldly experience from France, Guatemala, and Israel into his works. Freeman is currently a professor emeritus in the School of Theatre, Television, and Film at San Diego State University.

Alejandro Meter, a professor at the University of San Diego, acquired a Ph.D. in Latin American Literature and Culture from the University of Pittsburgh and specializes in the Jewish experience in Latin America, immigration, and the politics of memory. He wrote published articles, essays, and book chapters in numerous journals including Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, Revista de Estudios Hispanicos, Hispania, and Latin American Research Review. In addition to being a successful professor and scholar, Meter is also a photographer. He is working on a Latin American photography project that involves capturing photos of Latin American writers who write content related to Crime Fiction Writers and the Latin American Jewish Diaspora.

Film Awards: GOLD APPLE National Educational Film & Video Festival, RED RIBBON American Film and Video Festival, AWARD OF MERIT Latin American Studies Association, SPECIAL AWARD of MERIT MII Users Awards