
10 2017

Startup18, Jewish Engagement Lab - Sukkot & Building the Community

11:30AM - 1:00PM  

441 Saxony Road
Encinitas, CA 92024

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YA KNOW WHAT'S HARD? Starting something new on your own!

Free Event - Join the Jewish Engagement Lab which inspires, encourages and supports grassroots Jewish initiatives in San Diego.

OCTOBER WORKSHOP: Join us for lunch in a Sukkah @Coastal Roots Farm in Encinitas. We'll explore the value of partnerships in community building.

Topic: Sometimes you can't partner, especially to start something because a Partner isn't interested. At what points does partnership become possible, are you open to it, they? What are some of the reasons your program at various stages may be more appealing to potential partners and what are your realistic expectations about sustaining your programs long term. Is it even a consideration? We'll talk about examples of successful partnership that allow for autonomous program development but support in other ways and scenarios in which startup programs were successfully integrated into long lasting traditional agencies.

We'll also workshop as a group several of our own Lab project founders ideas for pilots and answer their questions, challenge them with recommendations. If you want to sign up to workshop your project idea with the Lab, email info@startup18.org We take up to 3 projects each workshop and allocate 15 minutes each to you.

WHY GET INVOLVED? Meet other project founders dedicated to personal growth, improving our communities, and enriching Jewish life in San Diego. Pro bono coaches engage with members in the Jewish community leveraging your strengths, skills and experience. Donors hear about innovative work that needs further nurturing and be a part of building a stronger and more engaged Jewish San Diego.

Questions? 858-201-6094 - info@startup18.org - www.startup18.org 

Sponsor: Supported by: Covenant Foundation, PresenTense, the Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation